Tuesday, November 30, 2004

"I Won't Let You Fail"

I received some inspiration from the best drama on television, "The Wire" on HBO. There was a scene where a guy was seeking advice on how to help the neighborhood knuckleheads when they act like they have no sense. The advice received was, "When I see a kid about to go down the wrong path, I tell him, 'I won't let you fail', and I keep on trying."

So now here I am, dealing with this knucklehead who's wasting my damn time. I could be passing missions on PS2, but I'm sitting here waiting for his court-ordered direction to call me so I can help him. I even found another person that was going to help me out by being the role-model he needs to write a report on if he can't find one himself (I have specific guidelines on who will qualify). Anyways, I haven't spoken to this kid in 3 weeks. One week, I was in Seattle, but I already told him, he needs to leave a message if I don't answer. He didn't. He probably didn't even call.

There are two options. I can notify the court that he didn't meet his obligations, which may send him through juvenile hall. Or I can talk to him and/or his parents to ensure they meet their obligations. Come on now, this kid has to be a fool to think that he rather go to "Juve" and get a criminal record than to to make a simple call, and perform a few simple projects. Hmmm, go to the college of my choice, or be a bum.

I'm volunteering to make a positive impact... so I know I need to step up my game and make sure he acts right. I need to get on his parents too. His parents are real good people. On the flip side, I can't make anyone do anything they don't want to. This is a volunteer effort, not a job. The board sent me the worst kid for a reason. I better suck it up!

Monday, November 22, 2004

Damn Potlucks

I've been away for a week. Travelling. Glad to be settled back at home now. Unfortunately, it's Thanksgiving week. That means, to eat, you have to contribute to required potluck. I refrained from signing up at work on my group's sign up sheet before I left on my business trip. As soon as I arrived, the sign-up sheet was still waiting for me. Everyone put down their fancy casserole dishes. I would love to have everyone sample my masterpiece, but it wouldn't seem right if I just signed up for boiled eggs. I signed up for apple cider. Is that a Thanksgiving drink?

I was wondering, for those who exert their elbow sweat to feed others who worked as hard, so you have less regards for the guy who didn't fix anything or just bought drinks?

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Celebrating Grass!!

Anyone who knew me before I moved to Atlanta will tell you that I would be the last person you'll ever find doing yard work and keeping up a flower garden. In fact, I refused to cut my grass at my California house more often than once a season. Everything certainly changes when you own your own home though. That's why I can't figure out why some homeowners don't have enough pride to keep up their own yards.

I just winterized my flower garden. I have no doubt I'll have a very impressive presentation in the spring. My front yard is looking like its supposed to. But I have one real troublesome area that I haven't been able to solve for the 2 years I've been here.... how to get grass to grow in my back yard!

I've tried seeding & seeding, watering & more water, tha didn't work. I tried using a "hook-up" to aerate & seed the lawn, that didn't work. Even despite working daily to keep the ground moist so the seeds will germinate. My latest effort was to pay ChemLawn to hook it up. This was four weeks ago. I looked out into my backyard today, and I see grass growing everywhere!!! I'm really excited!!! Finally, I won't look out and see a bed of red clay & weeds. Aren't you happy for me?

But wait a minute.... It's Novemember. My grass is growing... please tell me I'm not going to be that fool cutting his grass in 35 degree weather in December!!!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Adult Video Games

Should adults play video games? Is this something that a woman would be tuned off by to find out that a guy enjoys being glued to his PS2 or X-Box? I never really thought about it too much, but its something I've been wondering.

I confess. I took this survey online about how men think. And I paused when I got to the following question:
What do you consider to be the most important factor in why you, or men in general, play video games?

  • As a distraction or means of relaxation

  • The opportunity to vent frustrations and aggression

  • It's a way to bond with friends

  • None of the above

  • For me, its a definite distraction from reality and provides hours of relaxation.

    Thursday, November 04, 2004

    Corporate Hustler (Cont.)

    OK. I'm on a mission. And to make my intentions sincere, I'm making my plan public. My management made an unsolicted comment that I didn't qualify for a promotion. Technically, that may be correct. But when you're a hustler, rules are just "challenges" that you need to overcome.

    The position I'm reaching for is actually a management position, but there's no one under me. I certainly will be challenging my lead for his position, he's two levels above me anyways. My plan is to show my management that I meet these subjective rules by listing out facts. True, my facts are subjective as well. It's all about the presentation. After reading my ebonically correct letter stating that I am the man, I'll have everyone calling "Sir" by the end of the week.

    Stay Tuned...

    Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas

    Has anyone played this game? It the most degrading, sickening, violent, immoral, disrespectful game I've ever seen. I can't wait to play it again tonight!

    Tuesday, November 02, 2004

    Corporate Hustler

    We all know it's rough working in Corporate America. Most folks have enough sense to get out and run their own business or change careers. I decided that I'm going to stick it out, and move up the corporate ladder. What worked for me will probably not apply to others, and may not even work. But these are lessons that I learned that may help you succeed. Especially if you're a Black man in this White Corporate America (or any minority). I'm not the smartest person around, certainly not the hardest working, but I have been able to get my promotions & raises at a faster rate than my peers. I consider my road to success as Living the Life of a Corporate Hustler.

      Rules of a Corporate Hustler
    • Recognize Your Peers - Keep close tabs on your co-workers. When they start getting promoted & higher raises, take an inventory on every factor that makes you more qualified... this info will come in handy later

    • Direct Your Praises - Whenever anyone outside your group complements your work performance, reply by saying "Thank you. But if you really want to show gratitude, express your thanks to my manager." The impact of this is profound! While others may outperform you, you will have a much better impression in your manager's head because of all the outside praise you received. After a year of praises, and none from your peers, you will be moving up much faster than those annoying worker bees!

    • Seize Opportunities - I don't know why most worker bees are content to sit around until someone assigns them something. Seizing opportunities will give you much more exposure, experience, and opportunities to get more praises than your peers.
    • Don't Get Pigeon-holed - If you're in position where you are the "expert" or heading in a path where you will be the only person that can do that task, Get Out Quick! Find a new task, switch roles, do whatever it takes to avoid being stuck in a dead-end position. Managers should be aware of this concern, and will hopefully help you. Suggest one of the quiet worker bees take on that role instead.

    • Demand Respect - Management & peers will do as much as you allow them to. If they can avoid you doing promotion time, raises, new job opportunities, THEY WILL! Let them make that mistake once. After the first time you get ignored or disrespected, stand up for your dignity, but do so in a respectful manner. Several times I had to lay out the facts on the table to clearly get my point across. This scares management, because now you have evidence to use against them.
    • Dress For Success - Club gear won't work. Suit's make you look stuffy & fake. If you want your boss to see you as looking like you're promotion material, take notes on how he dresses.

    I have many more points.... but I'm tired typing. I'm off to go see if the program manager is happy with my work!