Public Service Annoucement
I saw the movie Crash today. Being someone who is already sensitive about how other races perceive me, and I have my own prejudices as well, this movie did not entertain me. In fact, I don't even understand what the point of the movie was. I was thinking... Maybe Karma. What goes around, comes around. But no, half of the nonsense blew that theory away. I don't know what the point was.
Ironic enough, I looked up about 30 mins after I left the theatre, and saw a crash that occured just seconds earllier.
OK, I said "Crash" too many times... that means more google hits. *sigh*
I think most movies don't live up to the hype. The wife and I are going to see Mad Black Woman. I hope it lives up to all the buzz, and I hope it ain't a move about a mad black woman mad at a black man. I get tired of those, too.
Coley: I read the same thing. Pretty good reviews. But to me, unless you are going to offer a solution, don't bring up all the racial stereotypes and problems that exist today & thow it in my face. That's just me. I don't understand the point of the movie. I guess it was just telling a story about the reality we live in. If that's the case, reality sucks.
Don Tate: I feel you on that one! I was about to walk out of the movie, 'Diary of a Mad Black Woman', because I thought it was another man hatin' movie. It turned out to be pretty good. I'm sure you'll laugh plenty.
wu oh...first negative i've heard....might have to rethink the viewing.....
Maybe I'm the only one that wasn't feeling the movie.
Chill... what's the last movie you thoroughly enjoyed?~ Ms Blaize
Your "about me" profile is funny. Very cute :)
Edwige: Yeah, you gotta be a geek to understand how to make Gush work.
Blaize: Ummm, it's been awhile. I loved Bourne Supremacy, The Matrix II, and as I mentioned in my last post, I enjoyed the Interpreter. I'm sure there's others, but I'm not a movie buff. I can't remember what they were.
Hmmmm. I think I'll trust your review and wait for it to come out on video. Did you see the Hitchhikers guide to the universe? Review?
Nope, i didn't see that one. Just Crash & Interpreter.
Did it snow in the movie crash or was it just ash from the car burning?
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