Sunday, December 19, 2004

Our Trusty Administration

What do you do when you're at home, bored? Order some Pay Per View! I watched Farenheit 9/11 the other night. I advise everyone to see it! I know I shouldn't believe everything I see/read, but this movie laid out so many links to proove that the Bush administration is shady, that even if half of the info is false, it should be enough for us Americans to.......

Ummm, I'm not going to finish that thought, just in case FBI reads these blogs.

OK, ok, ok... the movie has me paranoid now. But for real, you guys have to watch it! One of my good friends is looking forward to finishing his officer training courses and entering active duty. Mainly, for the extra pay. I'm trying to persuade him to see this movie before he makes that foolish decision. I think war is acceptable when it is for a good cause. But seeing shit like Haliburton (Dick Cheney) making a deal with the Taliban install an oil pipeline through Afghanistan as we supposedly are hunting the Taliban to snatch Osama disgusts me. And this mess about the Saudi's owning 6% of U.S. economy? Ugh!!!!


At 11:23 PM, Blogger AMES said...

hmm......he'll be in the midst of the war probably the day after entering. I haven't seen Farenheit yet. I'm always paranoid about what governments will do and are doing. I keep hearing that the rest of world considers the U.S. the biggest threat to world peace. I'm sure there are lots of things going on that we haven't heard about yet. 20 years later, they'll tell us and no one will care.

At 2:59 PM, Blogger Rainmayun said...

Um... you're a couple months late on Fahrenheit 9/11. You should have had your fellow Georgians and Ohioans watching that movie BEFORE the election!

At 11:18 PM, Blogger Jez Chill said...

Rain: Ya know we slow down here

Karen: Ever think that Ignorance is Bliss? If you only focus on your life, instead of the world around you, life is a lot simpler. But when you do open your eyes to what's going on, every piece of knowledge is just a teaser to make you hunger for more. To try to make sense of something that others want to keep you ignorant of. Maybe we should just worry about getting paid and the let politicians do their thing.

NAH!!! I'm trippin'. I'm going to continue to do my part to making this world a better place. Which gives me my idea for my next blog.... :-)


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